Over twelve years ago Christian Science found me in a hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, at the point of death. It healed me. In two weeks I left the hospital, and four weeks later was able to go to my work in Washington, District of Columbia, making the trip entirely alone. From that time on I walked daily to and from work, a distance of about eighteen blocks each way. My healing was accomplished by means of absent treatment, given by a Christian Scientist whom I have never seen.
Needless to say, I am deeply grateful for this healing. It was the natural result of Jesus' teachings practiced. But I most gratefully testify to the fact that this beautiful physical healing is only one, and not the greatest, of the many blessings which the study of Christian Science is enabling me to enjoy. I have suffered agony physically and mentally, but Christian Science is fast healing every scar, proving that transformation comes with the renewing of the mind, as Paul says, "till we all come . . . unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."
Words cannot express my gratitude for the blessings unfolded to me by class instruction, and for the good which continues to unfold daily as I avail myself of the opportunities for growth which come with membership in a branch church and in The Mother Church. As this growth goes on, I find myself more deeply grateful for the life and work of our beloved Leader, who, with unsurpassed humility and love, gave all that we might have peace.—Beatrice, Nebraska.