That Christian Science does heal, and heal permanently, I have proved. When a child less than two years old, I had an attack of malignant scarlet fever, and my life was despaired of. However, I recovered, but after long convalescence was left suffering from the after effects of the disease to such an extent that many of the organs and functions of the body were affected. I was constantly under a doctor's care and grew up a semi-invalid, never strong enough to do as other girls did.
After my marriage I turned to homeopathy for relief, then to specialists in New York City. Finally, in the fall of 1904, we moved to California, physicians holding out the hope that the mild climate might prolong my life. After I had been in Southern California nearly a year, I was worse than when I came, and in despair. However, at this time a cousin told me of her healing through Christian Science, and I made an appointment to see a practitioner.
I was very much worried and troubled about many things, but really wanted most of all to understand God; so I did not mention my physical condition to the practitioner, who lovingly explained to me the teachings of Christian Science in regard to God. When I left her office I walked a distance of two miles toward my home and then realized that I had been healed of a bladder trouble from which I had suffered since babyhood.