"GOD hath spoken once; twice have I heard this: that power belongeth unto God." These words of the sixty-second Psalm accurately express how the Christian Scientist regards the power of Deity. God, he understands, is infinite Spirit or Mind. There is therefore no power but the power of Spirit or Mind; and this power is altogther good. As the truth about God, the only real power, is known, a change comes over one's thinking. For what must happen as one acknowledges no power as real but the power of God, Spirit? One is bound to conclude that in reality there is no material power, no evil power. And thus does one's mental attitude change from half-hearted faith in God to confident reliance upon Him.
The power of God, the strength of Spirit, then, is acknowledged by the Christian Scientist to be unlimited. But how are men to avail themselves of this power? Mrs. Eddy gives the answer very simply on page 167 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" when she says, "To have one God and avail yourself of the power of Spirit, you must love God supremely." And to love God supremely is to love good supremely. In other words, as thought is spiritualized through contemplation of good, men are able to utilize the power of Spirit over the errors of material sense, and so to destroy these errors.
Christ Jesus, the great Wayshower to mankind, convinced of his Father's omnipotence, demonstrated the divine power in numerous ways. He healed disease and sin; he walked on the water; he raised the dead; he overcame the beliefs of time and space. He did all these things through the scientific understanding he possessed of real being, and the spirituality of his thought. And Jesus' thought was spiritualized to the degree it was because of his great love of the Father. No one has ever loved God more understandingly than the Master; hence no one has ever been able to demonstrate better than he the strength of Spirit in overcoming the ills and limitations of the flesh. Our Leader writes (ibid., p. 316), "Christ, Truth, was demonstrated through Jesus to prove the power of Spirit over the flesh,—to show that Truth is made manifest by its effects upon the human mind and body, healing sickness and destroying sin."