I SHOULD no longer withhold my written word of gratitude for many healings in Christian Science, which has been my only physician for many years.
Our little daughter, now seven years old, was a most trying child from babyhood. Her restlessness and abnormal activity made it impractical for her to remain in Sunday school. About two years ago treatment was given by a Christian Science practitioner, who enlisted our intelligent and loyal support in the work of proving that God is the only creator and made nothing imperfect or abnormal. Soon our little girl re-entered the same Christian Science Sunday School, and no longer disturbed the classes, but manifested love and harmony. Later she entered kindergarten, where, to our joy, her progress continued. Before treatment in Christian Science, she seemed to lack a sense of obedience, order, and love; now she is lovingly obedient, and friends and neighbors, not interested in Science, remark upon this wonderful change.
On Christmas Day in 1932 I was taken ill with grippe. With the help of a practitioner, I lost but one day from business. Later, what seemed to be intestinal grippe came upon me. but the practitioner again helped me and the fear left me; soon the intense pain disappeared, and in a short time I returned to my work fully restored and with added joy and vigor. As I was the breadwinner for our family at that time, the better realization of God as our provider was the greatest comfort to me Our little boy has been healed quickly of earaches and colds.