THE questions ever recurring to human consciousness, What is God? What is man? What is man's destiny? indicate that men vaguely perceive true individuality to be something other than that which is expressed through the physical senses. Down through the ages this has occasioned, in individual instances, a sincere and earnest quest for a satisfying answer to these fundamental questions, an answer that could be substantiated through proof. Only upon a demonstrable spiritual understanding of God will true individuality be recognized and attained.
Those characteristics of thought which seem to indicate finite personality, are predicated upon the evidence of the physical senses. These so-called senses have been evolved from and developed through the false education which leads mortals to accept an erroneous concept of God as a magnified material or corporeal being, dwelling in some distant realm. As human experience coincides with the evidence of the senses, humanity in general has accepted the conclusion that man is mortal and material, and subject to all manner of physical discord— fear, sickness, sin, disease, and death.
Christian Science reveals that all material experiences and conditions are but the externalized beliefs of so-called mortal mind; that they have no inherent Principle or law to enforce or sustain them; that they are no part of God's plan. It reveals also that man is not mortal and material, but immortal and spiritual. Through spiritualization of thought the facts of true being become apparent, and all inharmony is shown to be unreal and powerless.