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From the September 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE truth of the unity of God and man is readily recognized through logical reasoning. However, if this recognition is not accompanied by a spiritual understanding of God's presence and by the power to heal, it may remain nothing more than an intellectual abstraction. We need an inner realization that is above the realm of human reasoning and also beyond material sense testimony.

We know that the man of God's creating is never separate from the one divine Mind, never outside Mind's control, but always in "conscious union with God." The false concept of man, which Paul called carnal, is the believer in a power apart from God and must be put off in order that the true concept of man may be revealed and his character demonstrated. This may be accomplished through the cleansing and illuminating power of divine Science.

We read in the Scriptures of the Master's wonderful works in healing the sick and transforming the sinner, works accomplished through his "conscious union with God." He declared: "I do nothing of myself" (John 8:28), and, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works" (John 14:10). Jesus taught and proved that all things are possible to God and that God's power is manifested through the human individual when he understands man's union with God. To the dull thought of his day, Jesus could give no definite rules for healing works. But he promised his followers that a Comforter would come to lead mankind into all truth.

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