The irresistible law of Life is a divine force challenging the carnal mind, which says to all mankind, "Thou shalt surely die." Gen. 2:17; The power of Life moves in direct opposition to the so-called forces of death and destruction and renders them impotent. Christian Science treatment demonstrates the law of God, bringing the facts of divine Life into mankind's experience.
Christ Jesus defied every so-called law of matter in his healing work. On more than one occasion he raised the dead, offering proof to his followers that the power of Life obliterates the belief in death. His own crucifixion and resurrection showed that the irresistible force of Life is superior to the forces of destruction, and he offered to the world proof of his teaching that Life is eternal. After the resurrection he appeared here on earth for forty days, having the same body that had been crucified and buried. Then, in his final triumph of the ascension, he put aside forever every vestige of matter.
Jesus promised his followers, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do."John 14: 12; Christian Science teaches his followers today that it is possible to emulate every work of the Master. Thus the students of this religion know they should not strive to follow only up to a point and then turn aside from Jesus' teachings. Because the Way-shower demonstrated the power of Life over death at every turn, one can assume he demonstrated an infallible law that, when fully understood and properly applied, sets aside the forces of death.