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The Weapons of Our Warfare

From the August 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus gave mankind spiritual weapons. If we use them, we can accomplish all the good that men have attempted to accomplish with material weapons. Why don't we? What keeps us from recognizing and utilizing our spiritual weapons? It is the error of mortal thinking. This error is the belief that matter is substance and that life and intelligence are material.

However vigorously we struggle to overcome injustice, crime, aggression, disorder, social or economic inequalities, our efforts make headway only as we see the error of material belief in each situation and work to correct it.

Selfishness, greed, thoughtlessness of others, hatred, and so on exist only because of the nature of the belief called matter. Insofar as people identify themselves with matter—consider themselves material beings in a material universe—their thinking is motivated and governed by that belief. But we usually find in every situation some moral and spiritual elements also.

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