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The Substance of an Idea

From the June 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the study and practice of Christian Science we can begin to comprehend the difference between mortal thoughts (sometimes erroneously assumed to be ideas, though they counterfeit the true) and spiritual ideas, which proceed from God, divine Mind. We become more and more willing and able to exchange what appear to be mortal thoughts or objects for spiritual concepts. We gain spiritual alertness that recognizes the temporal nature of the mortal in contrast to the eternal substance of the immortal reality. We grow in our understanding and ability to perceive that beyond the things we see with our physical eyes is the real, substantive idea of divine Mind, Spirit. We then prove that holding this perfect idea in consciousness as the only reality brings harmony, completeness, and health to our present human experience. It preserves and protects all human activity through the right idea of safety in Spirit.

Study of the Bible, together with the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, discloses that all true, spiritual ideas come from God. Then, if the biblical assurance of one supreme God is accepted, we can grasp the significance of divine Mind as omnipotent and omnipresent. We can begin to prove the supremacy of Spirit in our daily activity and in control of our health. We discover by practice and proof that we can turn to divine Mind for solutions to our daily problems, for intelligence and guidance, and for the healing of bodily ills. Ideas to be used moment by moment harmonize and govern our every activity and bless us and others.

A student of Christian Science was called early one morning by a young friend who asked for help for her husband (not a student of this religion). After spending a day and night in discomfort and pain resulting from a case of what appeared to be influenza, he had agreed to have prayerful help—Christian Science treatment. He hoped to be able to go to work that day. The practitioner turned quickly to divine Mind, God, for the right idea of man. This idea is spiritual, not material. She exchanged the concept of bodily activity for the idea of purely spiritual activity governed by divine Mind. She realized that Mind's activity is perfect, harmonious, without materiality. She denied that man is a mortal, controlled by mortal mind. She knew all to be Mind and its harmonious action. Divine Mind controls all. The man was healed and spent a good day at work.

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