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Testimonies of Healing

It is my deep desire to share healings...

From the July 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is my deep desire to share healings through complete and radical reliance on the teachings of Christian Science. There has been no medical aid given at any time.

In one of my earlier years in teaching school, we were presenting a Christmas school program. During the evening I felt much distress in my side. At the close of the program I could not stand upright and friends drove me to my home in a nearby town. My mother, who was a student of Christian Science, prayed for me during the following days. The distress and pain gradually faded away. In the second week of my vacation I was completely free. This condition had all the symptoms of appendicitis. When I returned to school, I was asked if I had had an operation. I said, "No, it wasn't necessary." I am so grateful for this healing, accomplished through the spiritual understanding my mother had obtained of God's power to heal.

After I was married, I had a severe fall, and I turned completely away from material aid to Christian Science for my help. This healing I wrote about in a testimony published in the Journal of October, 1957.

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