Few lines of study could be more fruitful in spiritual growth and healing than to explore prayerfully, in the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the coincidence of the divine with the human. And few topics in Christian Science metaphysics are more important to understand.
Christian Science enlarges our grasp of what human consciousness includes. Without this Science one is apt to take too narrow a view, and think of human consciousness as a sort of limbo stage separated from God or more or less remote from Him. Such a view encourages the conclusion that the most we can expect to attain through striving and spiritual growth is a better human conception of God—just improved thoughts about Him. But the Bible and our Leader's writings give a wider view of the possibilities open to human consciousness.
In a number of passages Mrs. Eddy describes the least spiritual stage of human consciousness as mostly filled with mortal beliefs.1 More often she refers to the mixture of right and wrong thoughts, wheat and tares, true and false—degrees of good and evil—that constitute so much of human experience.2But she also makes clear that human consciousness, when purified to the point of receiving revelation, can reach a level where the divine not only influences the human and brings better concepts but actually coincides with the human.