Have we ever felt uninspired, ineffectual, or doubtful about our ability to heal? Then we need to discover just who is doing the healing.
In the Old Testament we read, "I am the Lord that healeth thee."Ex. 15:26. In the New Testament, when some of the Jews accuse Christ Jesus of making himself equal to God, Jesus responds by saying, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do."John 5:19.Jesus knew no self doubt in healing, because he realized that healing was essentially a witnessing to the all presence of divine Love. He made clear that the source of the healing ability is divine, not human. Therefore, Jesus shows us the way to rid ourselves of self-doubt in healing because he demonstrated that it is, in fact, God who heals.
Jesus vividly knew himself to be the Son of God. He knew the Christ, the divine presence, to be always at hand. The Christ appears as true ideas coming to us as spiritual inspiration. If we have a stiff neck, the Christ might appear in such a specific way as the realization that man is incapable of inflexibility. The more we respond to the Christ's insistence that man is the reflection of Love, the more we will move with resilience, and flow with kindness and understanding. Living in reality as Soul's ideas, we are mobile, free, and supple. Such thoughts dawn as the Christ presence fills our consciousness with truths that push aside the suggestion of tightness. There is no mortal determination involved here. Christ-filled consciousness reveals the impossibility of anything unlike God.