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More than a dollar

From the October 1981 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So many events in life portray more than what appears on the surface. Turning in an assignment on the due date or keeping an appointment at the agreed time is important not only in itself but because it symbolizes something of major significance.

There are some instances when performance of the event itself can be crucial; major legal or economic or social consequences may result from not living up to the specifics of an agreement. But we probably assume that the world isn't going to grind to a halt if an assignment is a little overdue or one party to the appointment forgets the time and shows up late. Then, why the importance attached to these details? A certain integrity suffers when little particulars to larger agreements or obligations are forgotten or neglected. It's well for us to examine those responsibilities that may seem of lesser importance in daily life to be sure we adequately appreciate the full opportunities they symbolize.

Members of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, often find it helpful to review their set of bylaws to see whether they are faithfully living not only the letter but also the spirit of each provision. There may be instances when a more honest and complete fulfillment of a particular rule will spell the solution to a physical difficulty or relationship tangle. We naturally feel uncomfortable when our actions begin to go against the grain of an important commitment we've made. The Psalmist points to the source of our tranquillity and well-being: "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." 1

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