We know Christian Science is radical; it challenges material appearances and matter-based conclusions at every step. But we may not realize just how radical it is until we explore, with open mind and receptive heart, the implications of the Truth it reveals.
In its textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy offers the thought-provoking observation "Material belief is slow to acknowledge what the spiritual fact implies."Science and Health, p. 20.
When we explore "what the spiritual fact implies," the realization dawns that divine Science is very radical indeed. The pure logic of its reasoning is consistent from starting point to conclusion. This Science is actually revelation, introducing us to a whole new dimension of reality and consciousness. Thus our eyes are opened to the recognition that God, man, substance, intelligence, natural law, identity, cause, and effect are something utterly different from what the material senses define them to be. Our gaining of this realization comes gradually, step by step; but every healing intimation of the radical truth brings us new freedom and opens our thought to higher definitions.