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From the January 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Free lecture for the community," the large banner in the churchyard read, and the community came. The church was so packed that the ushers had to add chairs. The lecturer said that two young women came in just before the lecture began, sat in the front row, paid rapt attention, and afterward asked her several intelligent questions. Many said this was their first Christian Science lecture.

The lecture's title, "A Spiritual Answer to Terrorism," was printed in bold letters on the banner. The clerk of this Youngstown, Ohio, church said she felt that the title of the lecture attracted many. The banner, in black and yellow, could easily be read from passing cars.

At the time of this writing, the lecture was to be given again in a location fairly close to Youngstown. Many members, the clerk said, were planning to go again and to take others with them.

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