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"Why has this happened to me?"

From the January 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is hard to have something happen that hurts and to be caught unprepared. Many have had this type of experience.

One such experience early in my study of Christian Science taught me an important lesson, one that has endured even through much more difficult times. The incident happened when I was a newly licensed automobile driver. Driving carefully to a corner where I intended to turn left, I signaled properly, looked in each direction, checked the traffic signal, looked in the rearview mirror, and made the turn. As I rounded the corner, a policeman motioned me to pull over. I did so and received a traffic citation. What a shock! What could I have possibly done wrong? The policeman asked me to look at the intersection itself. At each corner was a sign that clearly said, "No left turn."

On account of my age I had to go to juvenile court, a new and frankly scary experience. I was warned that if I got one more ticket of any kind, until my age took me out of the juvenile court's jurisdiction, my license would be suspended. What was most distressing was that I felt so helpless. After all, I had tried to do my best when driving. Even the policeman observed that I had been careful. Why had this happened to me?

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