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Testimonies of Healing

When I first enrolled in a Christian Science...

From the November 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I first enrolled in a Christian Science Sunday School at the age of about ten, a profound impression was made on me by the Christian Science explanation of what God is. This new (to me) and illuminating view of God as ever-present Love brought immediate change for the better in my life. Prior to that time I'd struggled with health troubles, slowness in school, and social difficulties with my peers. But the concept of myself as in reality the image and likeness of an infinitely good God, quickly brought the fruits of good and lasting health, joy and alertness in schoolwork, and greatly improved relations with friends. Since that early experience, spiritual healing through scientific prayer has been the only way for me, and the experiences of healing and protection have been numerous indeed.

As an example I would like to recount a healing that took place a few years ago. My work was in international sales for a large aircraft manufacturer. At one point I started to experience sudden loss of consciousness and would pass out completely for brief periods. This malady would occur at any time and any place without warning. It appeared difficult, perhaps even unwise, to continue with my sales work, which involved long hours and extensive overseas travel.

It was natural for me, as a Christian Scientist, to turn to God and rely on prayer for healing. I was supported in this decision by my dear wife, who shares my devotion to Christian Science and who prayed to help me and to overcome considerable concern about the situation. Further, a Christian Science practitioner was frequently asked for treatment through prayer during this time.

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