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Science and Health—the best Bible textbook in town

From the January 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

People interested in the Bible occasionally feel they need to take a Bible study course in order to get the full impact of this Book of books. And given the Bible's wonderful message of salvation for the individual and for all mankind, it is easy to understand why one would want only the best guidance in understanding God's love for oneself and the world.

While there's no doubt that academic courses, if taught by spiritually-minded scholars, can be helpful, one of the best ways to understand the Bible is available for a small sum and can be pursued at one's own convenience. It is Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mrs. Eddy.

One of the major reasons why Science and Health is ideal is that it brings out the Bible's healing message, and that message has such power that it can literally restore life and health to people and nations. Certainly with the many challenges that seem so prevalent—unemployment, violent crime, the threat of nuclear war, starvation, hazardous wastes and other environmental poisons, to mention only a few—the Bible's message is needed, perhaps as never before.

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