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Testimonies of Healing

Original in German

When my daughter was ten...

From the January 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When my daughter was ten months old, she developed eczema over her entire body. Three times she was admitted to a hospital, and she continued under medical care for many months but without any relief. So we finally kept her at home.

I was in such despair that I thought I couldn't endure it any longer, and I feared for the child's life. This disturbed my husband a great deal, and he went to talk with his father, who lived nearby. When he returned he handed me, from his father, a thick book entitled Wissenschaft und Gesundheit mit Schlüssel zur Heiligen Schrift [Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures] by Mary Baker Eddy. He told me that I should read from it.

After I had made my daughter ready for the night, I began to read. I read with the desire and total effort that a drowning person would expend to save himself. I had never heard of Christian Science before, but it was as if I had already been waiting longingly for this book. I read until late in the night. When I woke in the morning and checked on our daughter, I rubbed my eyes, for I thought I wasn't seeing correctly. But it was true; she was healed. Her entire body was as smooth as that of a newborn child.

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