After I was taught to read, my mother would give me the Christian Science Sentinel and have me read the testimonies. I learned at an early age that Christian Science heals.
A few years ago, an internal problem developed in my body rather suddenly, and there was a great deal of discomfort. I prayed to recognize and understand that I was a spiritual idea, "the image, of Love" (see Science and Health, p. 475); to know I am "the expression of God's being" (ibid., p. 470) and His complete reflection and to see that the discordant condition had no reality. I expected immediate freedom, but the condition appeared to grow worse. It was difficult to eat and sleep.
I called a practitioner, who assured me I was God's precious and perfect child, untouched by any material claim that life was in matter. He asked me to read the allegory of a trial starting on page 430 of the chapter titled "Christian Science Practice" in Science and Health and to study carefully when Christian Science comes on the scene in these thirteen pages. I did this, and the practitioner steadfastly prayed for me. It was necessary for me to call often during the night hours, and the strength and compassion expressed inspired and comforted me.