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From the December 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I HAD GIVEN SO MUCH TO THE ORGANIZATION in time and effort. My intentions had been honorable. Yet all my good effort backfired when the others I was working with twisted everything to make it look as if I was trying to selfishly push my own agenda. I didn't deserve to be treated this way!

This mental turmoil plagued me for several weeks, maybe months. Every time I tried to pray to lift myself above it, my thoughts would drift back to, "Yes, but ...." And then I'd begin to rehearse the event all over again.

I always loved my morning train commute to work, because it took about an hour and gave me just enough time to study the weekly Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly. It was "me time" to refresh and uplift myself for the day. But now, every time I started to read, I'd mentally begin to rehearse the way I'd been treated.

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