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Growing Church—From the Inside Out

From the July 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

LAST YEAR A FRIEND ASKED ME IF MY CHURCH was growing. It was an arresting question.

I thought about the number of members we had. Over the years, our church—First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Lubbock, Texas—has had challenges similar to many churches: financial burdens, too few people, too many positions to fill, and perhaps even a lack of sincere appreciation for one another as fellow church members. These factors have all, at one time or another, contributed to the feeling that our church might be in decline.

Among our challenges a few years ago was a difficulty in finding people to serve as Readers [those who conduct the service and read the Lesson-Sermon]. No one could commit to a three-year term. One member kept being reelected, serving many years in a row. Although we were grateful for his service, we realized that we shouldn't take advantage of his availability and willingness and that others should consider taking up the responsibility of serving. Yet what could we do? We just felt glad to have a church service.

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