A few years ago, I started to feel ill while away on business. On the flight home I felt extremely tired. All I could do was sleep.
During the next few days I felt so weak that at one point I felt I might pass on. Late one evening, I decided to call the Christian Science practitioner who was helping me. During that phone call I shared that I wasn’t ready to die, but thought I might. The prospect that I might pass on really unglued me. I remember having to hang up the phone, compose myself, and then call the practitioner back to continue our conversation.
The crisis passed, but the weakness lingered. I was able to continue to work but I could walk only for a brief distance, stop to rest, and then walk some more. I also had to change my routine at home, where my dog and I normally walked a mile in the morning and another at night. Any kind of normal physical activity was difficult.