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Merited rebuke—instant blessings

From the February 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If you’ve never had a “performance review,” you may not know what it’s like to come face to face with how a manager or your colleagues view you and your work. I came away from a review once with a list of 15 areas in which I needed to improve. Quite an eye-opener!

Yet, because the needed corrections were presented to me in such a Christly manner of frankness, earnest caring for my progress as well as the well-being of the organization, and an honest assessment of my performance, I took them to heart and began making the needed corrections. I was instantly blessed.

When giving us the gospel of love, Jesus showed how important it also was to tell others when they were headed in a wrong direction. Think of the Pharisees, or those moneychangers in the temple selling their wares.

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