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Welcome - April 2024

From the April 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Friend,

April brings a special holiday here in Boston, Massachusetts—Patriots’ Day. With parades and reenactments, citizens remember the nearby battles that launched the American Revolution in 1775. Mary Baker Eddy, whose ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, prized the religious freedom that it helped secure. That freedom provided a climate of thought conducive to the discovery of Christian Science less than a century later. So she saw the struggle for freedom in a much grander light—the light of Christ Jesus’ promise, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

Mrs. Eddy experienced that healing truth herself and discovered the divine Science behind it. She recognized how truly revolutionary this discovery was, and foresaw the freedom it would inevitably bring to humankind. And Christian Science is indeed having a profound effect on human consciousness and experience. It is aflame with the recognition of the power of God to free us from a deadened, material sense of existence with all its limitations, ills, and fears, and to make lives new. It illustrates the liberating effect of a Christly view of God and man, His precious child.

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