I sat alone at one point, praying something like, “Wow, I honestly thought I’d do okay at this parenting thing, but God, I feel like I am messing up and I really, really need Your guidance right now to help these kids.”
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul said, “When I am weak, then am I strong” (II Corinthians 12:10). And as awful as human weakness feels, in many ways it’s not a bad place to be—especially in relation to parenting. To realize you can’t do it on your own opens the door to seeking the divine presence and listening for God’s guidance. In that moment, I had a deep desire to reflect the Father-Mother’s parenting of our children, to put what I understood of the truth of God, myself, and my family into living practice.
And that night God did help me. I heard three things about parenting from a spiritual foundation that I needed to learn. I’ve been growing both in my understanding of those things and in my ability to put them into practice ever since. The three things were to wait on God, nourish the wheat, and release the child to God.