I didn’t want to run to it,
I wanted to run from it—
the Goliath, my problem
that felt so big and real.
Like Jonah, it seemed better
to get far away from thinking about it.
But God was not having it.
I needed to trust, like David, and face it.
To run with speed and confidence
that God is bigger than my fear.
No Pollyanna thought here;
only the acknowledgment that the Christ, Truth,
“sets free the imprisoned thought.” 1
There are no Goliaths in the kingdom of heaven—
and didn’t Jesus say heaven was within?
Within what? Our consciousness!
The consciousness that knows God’s allness, goodness, and power.
So when Goliaths present themselves,
we don’t need to be afraid and run away.
The Christ is here
and we feel our dear Father’s ever-present love.
1 Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 114.