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Testimonies of Healing

Healing enables church activity to go forward

From the March 2025 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In May 2024, five days before I was to leave to give Christian Science lectures abroad, I had a bicycle accident. I had been going about 35 kilometers per hour on a conservation park’s asphalt path and sustained multiple injuries. Much of the impact was on my face, and I was fighting shock and bleeding profusely. And yet what I remember so gratefully is God giving me the courage to trust what I understood from my study of Christian Science—that accidents are unknown to God, who is the only cause and who causes and allows only good. 

Two passages in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, bring this out. They make it clear that after what seems to be an accident, through prayer one can see any apparent results from that accident reversed (seepp. 397 and 424). I began to apply the ideas in these passages right away, knowing that holding to the absolute truth of one Mind, God, governing all, would lead me to take specific steps to demonstrate this government.

I was alone in an isolated area about an hour’s ride from my house. Calling someone for help didn’t seem feasible, partly since I would be hard to locate, but I found that though one of my legs was hurt and my bike was partly damaged, by applying the ideas in those passages from Science and Health, I could pedal. 

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