When something disruptive happens—an accident, a disturbing encounter, anything threatening—I am helped by recognizing the spiritual fact of man’s unity with God.
Recently, one of those disrupting things happened to me. I was working out in the yard, when I fell and ended up flat on my back. Prayer was my immediate response. I reasoned that because of my spiritual oneness with God, I was forever in God’s presence. If I was forever “there” in God’s presence, I could never be “there” in the presence of an accident. Knowing this, I was protected from injury.
But then came a more powerful message: “There was never a bad ‘there’ for you to be in.” What that meant to me was that because of God’s loving government of His creation, there was never a possibility of such an untoward event. So I hadn’t just been protected from something disturbing; I was never really in a disturbing “there,” because there couldn’t have been such a thing in divine reality. I was able to get up without help and continue working with no aftereffects from the fall.