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Record of Truth

Listen to conversations with one or more guests as they discuss an important global topic from a spiritual perspective.

Audio Programs

Sharing some of what has been learned during recent regional meetings, the Directors will discuss how members are feeling a new energy bringing more hope and healing to our churches and our communities, and how the theme for Annual Meeting 2018 of living and walking in the Spirit expresses this spiritual momentum.

New Year–Fresh Start

Would you like to change something in your life that would enable you to start over? Listen in as David explores what it takes to make a fresh start. 

Gratitude for the Bible and how Christian Science has brought its healing power to light

Tony Lobl, an Associate Editor of the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald magazines, takes us on a journey visiting with three people, from three continents, with three very different religious backgrounds who have all discovered how a spiritual understanding of the Bible can heal.

Applying the Science of God

Are miracles just extraordinary events in the physical world that no one can explain?  Or is there a practical Science behind these events that can be learned and applied to daily living?  Listen as Dr. Amy Lang, a professor of aerospace engineering and mechanics, shares her insights into the healing works of Christ Jesus and the divine principles she used to accomplish them.

The cross and the crown—a new view

Listen in as our guests explore the importance of understanding and embracing the Christian Science concept of the cross and how this leads to the crown of healing.

