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Traveling with my spiritual entourage

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I have often heard about high profile people who travel with their own chefs, personal trainers, doctors, bodyguards, and others who are considered essential to their health, security, and peace of mind while on the road. Sometimes entire floors of hotels are reserved to accommodate an entourage that works to keep that one person functional and happy.

What to pack in your mental suitcase

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Having traveled to about 40 countries over the last three and a half years, I may not have as many air miles as Ryan Bingham, the main character in the film  Up in the Air , but I definitely have some helpful ideas to share about traveling from a spiritual perspective. Here are some of them: Trust the laws of God.

Turn loss into gain

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When I was a young teen, my dad experimented with investing in the commodity futures market. He grew potatoes on the family farm, and a farmer friend had convinced him to hedge his crop against low prices through the purchase of futures on a commodity exchange.

Home at last

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Three years ago, I had to find a new place to live and considered purchasing a house. Although I had lived in rental property for years, buying a home seemed like a reasonable step to take and one I had desired for some time.

Listen for His voice

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I remember tugging on my mom’s Sunday dress the first time I saw a soloist sing in church, whispering with budding excitement, “Mommy, I want to do that!” I couldn’t wait to get in front of an audience. Shortly afterward, I started voice and piano lessons, and when I turned 18, I started soloing in church.

In God's eyes

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Christ Jesus showed through his life and ministry God’s unconditional, impartial love for everyone. He showed that God loved the Jews and the Gentiles, the righteous, and the sinners.

Grace notes

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A favorite fictional character of mine used to tap his temple, squint his eyes, and commend himself for “dip t’inking!” The stories always showed his definition of deep thinking to be an amusing one, but he was certainly right to value it and want to practice it. The Bible says: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

The joy of ushering

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To me, a church service is people working together for the glory of God and for the benefit of others. Services bring comfort, inspiration, and joy, but sometimes there’s a sneaking thought that suggests that serving in church is a burden rather than a joy.

'Fed by Thy love'

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When Jesus said to his disciples, “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink” or wear ( Matt. 6:25 )—he didn't promote frugality, nor did he expect others to work so that they could hand out what the disciples needed.

'Love is all you need'

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I was walking home from my office on 42nd Street in New York City one crisp autumn day, keeping step with the rhythm of a Whitney Houston song playing on my iPod. As I strode up Sixth Avenue, I couldn’t help smiling at the sweet concurrence of sounds, images, and thoughts enveloping me.