Who is on the edge of time
precariously waiting
Push forward, pull back?
Not me. Why?
I am companioned.
Venture and prehistory are mine.
Mined in illimitable rock
(My hand touches the mind of him
Who scratched unerringly)
lithe deer in a Basque cave.
My hand touches the crystal mind
Of rock-living, exiled John, who
Handclasped in thought
Inscribed his Master's revelation:
God's man, yes, even me,
Complete, designed with Spirit's substance
To manifest Love's continuity
of purpose.
And attributes so needed.
Time now to welcome linkage of light,
Their light, God's light thrown deep
Into our jagged cave:
The dark today
Where fearful images play upon resisted walls,
And people huddle—
So venture I must (we must)
To understand this brilliant Christ
(Almost knowing the debt).
What gain? Truth's eternality.
What loss? Materiality.
The purpose now
To learn the living art:
Receive the vision
Reflect the skill to give.
(What nicety of equipoise in Being)
Tangent to joy, us, all of us
Life-etched, secure, companioned
For all time