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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

A place to call home

My wife and I moved to Texas in 1996, and sold our townhouse in Northern Virginia that had been our home for over two decades. Several years passed, and our reason for being in Texas came to an end.

Why should I attend church?

I used to find thoughts about church coming to me such as, “Do you really want to go? Have you figured out how far you have to drive, what it costs, and how long you’ll be on the road?” These thoughts needed to be checked and corrected.   Several ideas from a recent Journal article inspired me as I thought about this topic.

Love is the key to the kingdom

The history of the Israelites in the Bible shows that even in the midst of tyranny and persecution, they trusted the scriptural prophecies that promised the Messiah would come establishing freedom and peace. Many sought to diligently follow the laws of Moses, which were meant to help them be obedient and worthy to receive the Messiah.

Divine Love lifts all burdens

What a joy to be free of feeling burdened—that beautiful release from feeling weighed down. It’s a moment of light and grace that changes everything.

True restoration

The Bible has a lot to say about restoration. Whatever one seems to have lost—including one’s health—God can restore.

The joy no one can take from you

Has anyone you love passed on? You are not alone. It happens to all of us.

Unending Life and “walking in the pathway of Truth”

Early in my public practice of Christian Science, someone called me late one night to see if I would pray for a woman (a Christian Scientist) who was only semi-conscious and delirious. I agreed to pray for her and set at work to understand more fully that God is Life.

Prayer dissolves resistance

One day while I was working in the Reading Room of my local Christian Science church, a gentleman whom I hadn’t seen before came in the door. He began asking questions about Christian Science.

Sunflower simplicity

“Be a sunflower,” a friend posted online­—a reminder to me to focus my attention on God, as young sunflowers track the sun.   Not long afterward, I was on an early morning dog walk and marveled at a vast field of sunflowers, all turned upward toward the rising sun.

Yearning to understand the Bible

With a gentle laugh, a friend asked if, after reading the Bible all my life, there was some reason I didn’t know it by now. How could I get anything new out of it? His questions were sincere.