Most people are familiar with the Bible account of Moses approaching the burning bush at Mt. Horeb and God telling him to remove his sandals because “ … the place whereon thou standest is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). Bible commentaries often refer to this command as a request for a recognition of the holiness of God’s presence as well as a custom of respect in that region.
But what struck me recently is that sandals are man-made constructs. Then the implication of what this symbolizes in the story goes far beyond removing a mere piece of attire. We’re talking about removing from our thinking all human or mortal theories of existence regarding medicine and health, psychiatry and emotions, economy and supply, family and relationships, body and age, life and death, religion and superstition, and even how we understand God. Simply stated, “taking off our sandals” can be putting off any belief of a material reality or viewpoint.
The matter-based thoughts that we’ve accepted, either tacitly or overtly, need to be shed as we awaken to the fact that where we stand—where we actually exist and where we have and always will exist—is none other than in the omnipresence of God; in the reality of Spirit; in the realm of infinite Mind; in the kingdom of heaven!