Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
IT is obvious that any discussion of man's limitations must distinguish clearly, at the outset, between the real, spiritual man of God's creation, and the unreal, mortal man, the offspring of mortal mind. The former has no limitations, but is perfect; and the primary limitation of the latter consists in his inability to understand and know himself.
We surround ourselves always according to our freedom and ability, with true images of ourselves in things, whether it be ships or books or cannons or churches. The standing army, the arsenal, the camp, and the gibbit do not appertain to man.
JESUS left behind him to bless mankind an ideal, not an organization. While he prophesied that eventually there should be one fold and one Shepherd, he did not refer to enclosing walls within which the sheep were to be herded, for the word translated "fold" finds a better rendering if translated "flock.
No language that can be employed by pen, no words that can be spoken by the tongue, can exaggerate the influence which Christ's philosophy has already exerted upon the race or estimate its future power. Between the doctrine of might and the doctrine of right; between the principle that propagates itself by the sword and the principle that grows through the persuasive influence of its own intrinsic merit; between the grasping, over-reaching spirit that enthrones self and sacrifices all else to its own advantage and the generous, manly recognition of the rights of others; between a measure of greatness that estimates a man by what he has absorbed from society and that which estimates men worthy in proportion as they do service and diffuse blessings—these differences surpass comprehension.
Excerpts from Letters to a Business Man by a Christian Scientist. Any system of human thought and action claiming to be religion must be applicable to every phase of human living in order to make good its claim.
THERE is a prayer of supplication, and the nature of that prayer is to ask, to plead, to beg God to be good. There is a prayer of affirmation, it is the prayer of faith; its nature is to declare that God is good, and thereby reflect a consciousness of God's presence and power.
THE Christian Science movement has reached its present stately proportions under the shadow of the world's disapproval. It has been the butt of thoughtless ridicule, the object of misdirected humor and of unjust censure.
The words and works of Jesus of Nazareth were so extraordinary that they caused a great mental upheaval and started the question which, after hundreds of years, still continues to be asked, "Was Jesus Christ the Son of God?" This question caused much discussion in Jesus' time. Some believed that he was the Son of God, others that he was not.
The knowledge of Christ is profound and large; all other sciences are but shadows; this is a boundless, bottomless ocean no creature hath a line long enough to fathom the depths of it.
The fondest hopes of humanity, have centered round the word, liberty. Thought has dwelt upon it, until it has in some measure been realized, though the steps taken toward its attainment have oft been costly.