Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Chairman of Entertainment Committee. —"Professor, would you mind giving me some idea of what you are going to talk about this evening?" Distinguished Lecturer.
Following are some expressions of gratitude for the work of the Bible Lesson Committee. 1.
The Board of Education has prepared printed application blanks to be used by those who desire to appear before it for examination. These blanks are now ready, and can be procured by written application addressed to the Board of Education, 95 Falmouth St.
Our blessed Master gave this warning to all. It means us now, as much as it did those about him on the Galilean shore.
Medical practice bills too frequently are drafted by physicians with especial reference to their pecuniary interests, and therefore aim to cover every form of the healing art by putting specifically under legal ban everybody who would regard disease from a standpoint inconsistent with the dicta of regular physicians. The same sort of warfare was made on homoeopaths and eclectics as is now being waged against Christian Scientists, hydropaths, osteopaths, and other forms of healing unconventionalism, but the fight was a losing one from the start.
The greatest blessing enjoyed by mortals since the brief sojourn of our beloved Master and Lord among men, is the advent of Christian Science. It would be difficult, at this day, to give a correct estimate of the great number of people who have been healed of all forms of incurable ailments and oppressive sins, through its benign influence.
Boston, Mass. My Dear: —You ask, "Could there not be another power beside God which God has control over, and uses to punish people?" In the first place, the Bible tells us that God is Good, that all He made is Good and is like Himself.
As we look back over the struggles and sufferings of mankind, we wonder there has not been a greater effort made to understand why God's promises were not verified, and that apparently so little search has been made for the solution of this mystery. Here and there some aching heart has cried out to God, but has not always heard the answer, and many times no answer came, for the seeker did not know how to find Him; but the world, as a whole, has seemed strangely apathetic on this most important subject, for when these promises shall be fulfilled, as they surely will be, the whole earth will be transformed and filled with the glory of God.
Dear Journal :—The opening services of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Philadelphia, were held on Sunday, September 18, in the church edifice, which will hereafter be its home, on North Twenty-first Street near Fairmount Avenue; it having outgrown its former quarters in old Mercantile Library. There was a large attendance at both the morning and evening services, a notable feature being the number of prominent people to be seen in the congregations on both occasions.
It is a little over four years since I said to myself one day, "I believe I will look into this Christian Science I hear of, and see what it is. I don't want to talk to any one about it, but I will try to get hold of some of their books and study it for myself.