Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
In reply to letters asking what shall be done with the balance of money contributed by the children to the Flower Fund, I will say: If the contributors, or the parents of those who are under age, so desire, they can consummate their loving bequests by giving this amount towards furnishing the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Concord, N. H.
Sunday was an unusual day for Christian Scientists, and as the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in this city is the Mother Church, the building at the corner of Falmouth and Norway Streets was the centre of attraction for believers in this faith from all over the country. At both morning and afternoon services the capacity of the church was tested to the utmost.
The Rev. Dr.
So many people have asked me, as they have asked many other Christian Scientists: "How is it that Christian Science costs so much to learn?" Many times the question has seemed difficult to answer. I did not care to investigate the matter on my own account, feeling assured that were the opportunity of entering a class afforded me, the thought of the price which I should pay for tuition would have no place in my mind.
How beautiful under Christian Science become the words: "For in him we live and move and have our being" ( Acts, 17:18 ). As a Methodist I had scarcely the faintest conception of what these words were intended to mean, but as I study Christian Science the text unfolds itself and becomes pregnant with meaning and beautiful in its application to man.
We desire in this public way to render to Mrs. Mary Baker G.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. divider To withhold what will help others, is to defraud our brother and ourselves.
On the morning of the dedication of the Chicago church, November 14, 1898, I was in my bedroom in the third story of our house (the house is three stories and basement). I was getting ready to go to the morning service, and my little daughter, five years old, was playing about, when suddenly I felt a silence.
I was led to seek help in Christian Science through the illness of my mother, who lay about three months helpless with rheumatic fever. Her case was considered hopeless by two schools of medicine, Allopathic and Homœopathic.