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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


TO WHOM IT CONCERNS:— In reply to letters questioning the consistency of Christian Scientists taking pay for their labors, and hoping to relieve the questioner's perplexity, I will say,—After four years from my discovery of Christian Science, while taking no remuneration for my labors, and healing all manner of diseases, I was confronted with the fact of no monetary means left wherewith to hire a hall in which to speak, or to establish a Christian Science Home for indigent students (which I yearned to do), or even to meet my own current expenses, and halted from necessity. I had cast my all into the treasury of Truth, but where were the means with which to carry on a Cause? To desert the Cause never occurred to me, but nobody then wanted Christian Science, nor gave it a half penny.


On December 9, 1896, we organized a church with seven members. At that time we seldom had more than ten present at our Sunday service.


The following editorial from the Chicago Chronicle will be read with interest:— "The Doctors And Christian Science. " If the physicians of Kansas City are wise, they will let the Christian Scientists alone.


Dear Journal: —By recounting recounting a few of the blessings that Christian Science has brought me, I hope to partially repay my debt to it. I cannot be grateful enough for the wonderful and unexpected benefit that I have received from its teaching.


A Photograph was recently sent to the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy from Hannover, Germany, of so novel and significant a nature that we deem it worthy of notice.


Dear Journal: —The article, "Fear Destroyed," published in the September issue of our precious Journal, has reminded me, every time I have read it, of some great "bogey-bears" that used to fill my days with fear, and that Truth has destroyed for me. The greatest of these was the fear of taking cold.


It would be difficult to improve on the following definition of Christian Science given by one of the physicians in a neighboring town, though he is not in sympathy with Science. He said: "Christian Science is not doctoring, it is Christianity.


Since my earliest recollection the thought of invalidism has been held over me. All the diseases of my ancestors for generations seemed to be fastened upon me, and I was in the hands of the doctors from babyhood up.


About nineteen months ago, my attention was called to Christian Science by a friend whose wife had been greatly benefited by it. Prior to this time I had run the gauntlet of infidelity, theosophy, suggestive therapeutics (hypnotism), materia medica, Ralstonism (more hypnotism), and finally landed in spiritualism.


There is inherent in the nature of every man a desire for a higher attainment of life–experience than can be wrested from the visible material surroundings. Beginning early in life—sooner with some than with others—there comes an inward awakening, a reaching upward and outward toward the realization of a soul–born ideal.