Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
“Honesty is spiritual power” ( Science and Health , p. 453 ).
I had an unhappy message on my answering machine. After listening to it, I elected to delete it—not to replay it, not to save it, not to mull over it, not to analyze it.
It’d been almost six months since our last phone call. Because we’re sisters, this was quite a departure from our normal, monthly hour-long calls.
Understanding our spiritual identity and our oneness with God is enough to shift our perspective. All it takes is one simple truth.
How often in our daily lives do competing personalities challenge us? How often do personalities seem to govern our experiences? One of the biggest decoys to the practice of Christian Science is the acceptance that there are many minds operating, instead of just one Mind, God. This frustrating belief of many minds is seen in the form of opinions or agendas, and may even include personal criticism or malice toward another.
Forgiveness is an integral part of the Church of Christ, Scientist, and of Christian Science practice. And although forgiveness has always been central to Christianity, Christian Science elevates the meaning of forgiveness beyond even magnanimously letting go of a wrong, to metaphysically understanding the actual nature of that wrong as a mere supposition—that is, as something that exists to the human mind but not as something that exists in the Mind that is God.
Lake Vostok, Antarctica. Mars.
As English speakers know, many words in the English language have meaning both as nouns and as verbs. For example, one can go to the store and buy a book (noun).
An editorial in The Christian Science Monitor , (“Personal Pulpits,” October 3, 2011), noted that a growing number of people are seeking an individual approach to religion rather than affiliating with an organized religion. It ended with this statement: “The challenge for America’s religious organizations now is how to embrace today’s spiritual wanderers while staying true to their own founding vision.
In the Manual of The Mother Church, Mary Baker Eddy recommends,“that each member of this Church shall strive to demonstrate by his or her practice, that Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly, thus proving this Science to be all that we claim for it” ( p. 92 ).