Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
The hearts of the congregation of the Mother Church on last communion day were again made glad by the presence of our beloved Teacher and Leader, the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy. The occasion was so fully described in the Boston Sunday Herald that we feel a publication of that article will give the field a correct sense of it, and therefore refrain from further comment.
Mrs. Eddy was announced to the audience by Dr.
The religious cult called Christian Science has made amazing progress since it was instituted 29 years ago. The founder of it, Dr.
THE case of the city of Davenport vs. Charles A.
TO whom it may concern: I have been a sufferer from asthma for over forty years, and as time passed the disease grew worse, and several years ago developed into its most aggravated form. It made my life miserable, as every one who has suffered with asthma, even in a mild form has realized.
OF the many interesting relics and fragments of antiquity which have been brought to the light by the persevering researches of modern philosophers, none could have been more interesting to the philanthropist and believer, than the one we publish below. "Chance," says the Courier des Etats unis, "has just put into our hands the most imposing and interesting judicial document to all Christians that ever has been recorded in human annals;" that is, the identical Death Warrant of our Lord Jesus Christ.
ON last evening the beautifully decorated parlors of Mrs. E.
So the ministers have really taken up the discussion of what is known, variously, as Christian Science, faith healing, and prayer cure, and are not at one upon the question. It is probable that they do not know any more about it than laymen, unless they have made a special study of it, but when a reverend gentleman takes it upon himself to say, as one has done, that "Christian Science is the counterfeit of the art of divine healing, which has been lost by the church and taken up by the devils," he should be reminded of the words of his Lord and Master, who, in reply to a similar objection, said, with all possible charity, "By their fruits shall ye know them," and of whom the Pharisees said, "He casteth out devils through the prince of devils.
THE above is the title of an excellent article on Christian Science recently printed in Der Westen , a German family weekly of the first rank published at Chicago. The paper is prefaced with a truly classical translation of "The Lamp," from the Christian Science Journal for August.
DOC BIXBY in the Lincoln State Journal discusses the medical fraternity as follows: The disciples of homeopathy, in annual convention assembled, have enjoyed a thorough feast of reason and flow of rhetoric, and will return to their homes feeling that it was good to be here. When you come to think of it and think real hard, there is something funny in these conflicting systems of medicine, and it is well for humanity that the schools are not as numerous as the vast and varied systems of theology.