Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
IN eighteen hundred and sixty-two I was in the United States service, and received a sunstroke which rendered me unconscious for several hours, but being young and strong I was able for duty in a few days. I afterwards suffered from a complication of troubles, peculiar to camp and army life, and last but not least received a gun shot wound which almost terminated my mortal existence.
IS it not possible, that so much having been done for us individually through Christian Science, we are content to accept the blessings, forgetting the great privilege of helping to extend this understanding to the thousands who are waiting and hoping, and working, even as we were striving but a few years ago, in what seems in the light of to-day, a purposeless, ineffectual way? Christian Scientists claim a better understanding of Life— of the true spiritual import of the Bible, and that they are putting that spiritual import into practise. Are they supporting that claim? "Ye are the light of the world.
It has been noted that while God has been referred to as both male and female in the "Woman's Bible," the devil remains male throughout. Why don't they divide him up also?
One of the grandest features of Christian Science is that it inculcates that the acme of true living is in the hearing and obeying of God's Word directly . Love's treasure consists in the fact that it is our privilege through obedience to its Word to realize its completeness and reflect it.
CHRISTIAN Scientists are a peculiar people, zealous of good works. This zeal is born of an understanding that the Light of Life is found in Spirit and not in matter.
THE world of sense is witnessing a mental upheaval. Thought is being resurrected from false material theories, creeds, dogmas and traditions into an actual understanding of the Mind that controlled the man Jesus, enabling its possessors to prove through demonstration, that the day of miracles is not past, but that God's power is "the same yesterday and to-day and forever.
Special Despatch to the Globe-Democrat. Punta Gorda, Fla.
The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty. —Proverbs 10: 15.
We make the following extract from a long and interesting article recently published in the Inter-Ocean of Chicago, written by a correspondent from Boston. An unprejudiced observer would certainly be greatly puzzled to explain the uncompromisingly bellicose attitude maintained by many Christian people, including a majority, perhaps, of the clergy, toward the movement generally known under the name of Christian Science, but frequently referred to, contemptuously, as "Boston's latest religious fad.
My Dear Mrs. Eddy :— I feel that I may thus familiarly address you, for though a stranger to you in the conventional sense, I may say that you seem near and dear to me for what you have taught me.