Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
There would be fewer broken friendships, fewer unhappy unions and family quarrels, were it not so much the custom, among intimate friends and relations, to neglect the small courtesies of life, to show less and less mutual deference, as we grow more and more familiar. It is the foundation of misery in marriage; and many a serious and life-long estrangement has begun, not from want of affection, so much, as from lack of that delicate and instinctive appreciation of the feelings of others, which makes a person shrink from saying unpleasant things or finding fault, unless absolutely obliged, and in any case to avoid wounding the offender's sense of dignity, or stirring up within him feelings of opposition and animosity; for although many persons profess to be above taking offence at honest censure, and even seem to court criticism, yet it must be very carefully administered, not to be unpalatable.
A pleasant story is told of Rudolph, the Crownprince of Austria, who, while hunting in Bohemia, entered a grassy clearing, where an old woman was feeding her goats. He said to her: "God bless you, Mutterchen! [Little Mother] How are you today?" "Ah, how can such a handsome young man speak so friendly to an old woman! Yes, it is a hard life I live, but, God be thanked, I keep healthy.
If it were not so, I would have told you. — John xiv.
Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent His angel, and delivered His servants that trusted in Him. Daniel iii.
The word of the Lord came unto me. —Ezekiel xxviii.
The astronomer thinks of the stars, the naturalist of nature, the philosopher of himself. FONTANELLE.
The world has about recovered from the first shock occasioned by the proclamation of the Gospel of Mental Healing. Its birth-throes have been prolonged by the false claims laid upon it.
In the history of the struggle of mankind after something which gives satisfaction, there is found nothing so potent in its influence, for either good or evil, as religious belief. This belief has been advocated by those who think it is for their own interest to have the people believe it; and in proportion as leaders succeed in imparting desires of priestly creation, are the people led to accept these doctrines, as symbolical of the desires reflected by the originators of the doctrines.
This record is derived mainly from the Fredericton Gleaner, New Brunswick, and touches a subject of vital interest to all Christian Scientists. The Gleaner article is headed: Mysteries of Healing; Emma Whitlock among the Lawyers in Court.
The preacher's text was in Paul's word to the Galatian Church,—the eighteenth verse of the fifth chapter of that epistle: "But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. " We are accustomed to think and to speak of gravitation as a law of matter, when every quality of matter, in and of itself, is inert, inanimate, and non-intelligent.