Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Once upon a time there was an Ass who was a very good Ass, but whose life were very agitated. This was because of a little difficulty of hearing, with which he was afflicted.
Eye hath not seen nor ear heard.
Now the Lord had said unto Abraham: "Get thee out of thy country-and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee. " Genesis xii.
If one set not the thought determinately to obtain Divine Truth, and utter it, he is already in a state of mind indicative of discord. There is nothing decided about such a state, except what is false.
Heaven will be to us what we make it. The Master has taught us the way, in precept, example, death, and resurrection; but all he has done for us will not suffice for our redemption, unless we believe and accept him as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
It has seemed to me, many times, that a word to new beginners—especially those studying alone, and perhaps groping blindly in the dark—might not come amiss. I think it is nearly always the case, that those who take up Christian Science as a study, are driven to do so from some physical difficulty.
David declares that the word of God is a lamp to his feet, and a light to his path. Truly it is to each one of us a light, a guide, without which we should wander in Stygian darkness.
"Error is human illusion, without personal identity or Principle, and has no existence save in mistaken human belief," and illusion is never reality. If illusion were reality, then it would no longer be illusion, but would be fact or Truth, and would contain none of the elements of error.
In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter xiv. , will be found the cure for all forms of habit: "And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
Nature , like a thrifty housewife, is at her Spring cleaning, setting the earth in order; but as she puts down white and green carpets alternately, the earth is by turns wet and dirty, or dry and dusty. The voices of Spring come to us sad or joyful, even as the heart may be.