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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


To begin with, I will quote a few familiar sentences from the Bible, which seem to point us to Truth ; viz : "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven ;" "The flesh and the spirit war with each other ;" "The body profiteth nothing ;" "Take no thought for the body ;" "Willing rather to be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. " Do not these words pronounce upon matter, and material thought, as having no power to give us an understanding of the spiritual kingdom and God? The truth is, we have to drop material sense, and and open the door on spiritual sense, to learn of God.

The Rev. A. P. Peabody, D. D., of Cambridge...

The Rev. A.


Text, Jeremiah viii. 22 : "Is there no balm in Gilead?" Medicines for diverse ails are called specifies, as if each were a bullet sure to hit the mark in some enemy of health.


Out upon the sidewalk this morning, I observed a carriage drawn up before a stately mansion, a portly gentleman alight, and, turning, take from the carriage the ominous hand trunk. Ah! thought I, somebody has got to take it, and what will the portion be ? Just then a sweet, tiny face appeared in the vestibule, red nose, suffused eyes and tired look told the story, when she looked quaintly up and said, "I've got cold, doctor.


Dr. Arthur T.


The two sermons on Mind Cure, preached by C. A.

The element of Christian healing has...

The element of Christian healing has almost been lost to the world for 1800 years, but we are still the sons of God and live and move and have our being in Him, and by faith we are able to claim our inheritance; and when this attribute of Christ shall be once again in the hearts of his followers, then in deed and in truth has the Second Coming of Christ been fulfilled. — Mary B.

"Your daughter has a touch of malaria," said a physician to a New York lady; "I will call again in the morning. " The mother then went to her daughter's room with a look of great anxiety on her face, and said: "My dear, the doctor says you have malaria.

Long prayers! How tedious they often become! Especially is this the case with many in the pulpit. It is not unfrequent that the prayer is as long as the sermon ought to be.


Surnames were first acquired from vocations and other marks of individuality. John, the smith, soon became John Smith.