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Long prayers! How tedious they often become!

From the November 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Zion's Herald

Long prayers! How tedious they often become! Especially is this the case with many in the pulpit. It is not unfrequent that the prayer is as long as the sermon ought to be. This praying for everything, for almost every object, is altogether out of place. Dr. Adam Clark complained that the prayers were often so long in public worship that he found it quite painful to remain on his knees till they closed. This has been the experience of very many. Let a new departure in this respect begin in the pulpit, and the example will be followed in short prayers in the social meetings. A few words rightly expressed for right objects, when the heart is in the spirit of prayer, will prevail with God. It is "fervent, effectual prayers" that prevail, and these are generally short. Mere formal prayers amount to but little, and like those of the Pharisees of old, are generally "to be seen of men'"— Zion's Herald.

"And this is still love's miracle,
The giving that is gaining."

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