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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Principle that prevents accidents

Safety while traveling is a fundamental need for all of us. And because it is so important, God provides it.

Your key to The Mother Church

Upon becoming a lay Reader in my church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Ottawa, Canada, I was entrusted with a key to the church building. Having that small, metal object in my possession made me feel like it really was my church.

‘We walk by faith’

Who of us wouldn’t want a trustworthy, steady hand to rely on as we walk through the many events of life? Whether we’re considering a major step in our career or dealing with seemingly mundane, day-to-day decisions and activities—the wise, helping hand of God is available for each of us to lean on. And Christian Science shows that nothing is either too mundane or too important to be put in God’s care.

The important choice

Years ago I went to a restaurant with some people from my church. While we discussed the various food choices, I noticed that one woman closed her menu almost immediately.

The greatness of God

Sitting in the Original Edifice of The Mother Church for the first time, I found myself deeply moved. Among the inspired reminders in that edifice of the timeless message of Christianity and Christian Science, what struck me on that particular day, years ago, was this Bible passage, lettered across the back of the Readers’ platform: “Who is so great a God as our God” ( Psalms 77:13 ).

Who will do the work?

As her understanding of the divine revelation increased, Mrs. Eddy  became increasingly convinced that the discovery of the divine Truth that had been revealed to her through Christ-healing could only be sustained in this world by  such healing.

‘Experiments in Truth’

The writer shares how adopting a scientific mind-set and a scientific spirit of exploration results in a more effective healing practice.

The Journal, Sentinel, and Herald—feeding the hungry

Mankind’s deepest hunger is spiritual. Whether it’s a longing for peace and security, a yearning for freedom, a simmering desperation over finances, or wanting to be healthy and happy—many of us are searching for something whose source is not found in the conventional view of life.

Love, courage, and a Cause

Watching Casablanca yet again, it’s easy for me to see why this 1942 black and white film remains a Hollywood classic. One by one, the main characters discover how selfless love triumphs over tyranny in its many forms—selfishness, self-indulgence, self-justification.

You can heal with confidence

In Niagara: A History of the Falls  Pierre Berton recounts that Charles Blondin (whom Mary Baker Eddy refers to on page 199 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures) crossed the Niagara Falls Gorge on a tightrope many times. On different occasions, partway across he cooked himself breakfast, did a backward somersault, balanced on a chair.