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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Living ‘to exemplify our risen Lord’

Everything Christ Jesus taught reflected the supremacy of God’s love for man—and he proved it by living it. His resurrection was the culminating proof for all humanity that divine Love alone is Life.

Coming to humanity’s aid with spiritual sense

Widespread threats to humanity’s safety prompt many of us to want to help. We may not be first responders on the scene, or members of law enforcement involved in preventing attacks, but all of us have the capacity to help by applying what we learn of the nature and power of God, and of man’s eternal oneness with God, to any situation.

Humanitarian and healer

“Oh! for that robe of righteousness that is without a seam, without a single crevice through which error can enter. That garment not sown together by human hands, woven by the edicts of the Schools and held together by sects.

Christmas: the fulfillment of its promise

Christmas means vastly different things to people. Many merchants see it as an economic blessing, an important source of needed income, while others complain that it has become too commercialized.

Grateful guests

The Pilgrims who began settling in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620 went through a winter of nearly unbearable hardships, during which they lost half of their number. Yet, in the autumn that followed, they, along with the native Wampanoag Indians, held an elaborate feast to celebrate their gratitude to God for His guidance and care.

Unselfing—strength to build and rebuild for the ages

In browsing through some earlier decades of Christian Science testimonies online recently, I was struck by the startling contrast between so much of today’s social media and those snapshots of life that arrive weekly and monthly as testimonies of healing. Instead of being “selfies,” as it were—in pictures or in words—relaying the usual “latest” family accomplishments and opinions, testimonies are apt to tell of sacred life-changing moments.

Dominion over the body

Many people devote time and attention to maintaining physical health. Yet despite these efforts, individuals often find themselves still saddled with health problems, sometimes the very problems they were deliberately trying to prevent.

The intermediate way

The author shares how we can quiet agitated thoughts by recognizing that God, good is governing.

Hitting the mark

Whether it’s a major event in one’s life, work-related duties, academic projects, the demands of a case needing healing through Christian Science treatment, or simply the ordinary demands of daily living, one can sometimes feel overwhelmed. One can wonder, “Where should I start?” When I feel that way, I often think of this passage by Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Christian Science is not an exception to the general rule, that there is no excellence without labor in a direct line.

Continuing to build

If it weren’t for the names that belong to another century, it would sound almost like a message posted on Facebook today: “Be sure to give a warm welcome to Phebe; she’s been so kind and generous to so many. Say hi to Priscilla and Aquila; they really stuck their necks out for me.