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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

How a Christian is known

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Is sickness really ‘error’?

In  Science and Health   with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy explains ideas that she found in the Bible. One of these is that sickness is “error.

Swimming lessons on grace

One July, shortly after I had turned six, my mom signed me up for swimming lessons at the town pool. I loved playing in the water with my friends.

No skywriting in consciousness

As I glanced over the newspaper headlines of the day, it was easy to understand what people mean when they refer to the evils of the world. Christ Jesus spoke of overcoming the world (see John 16:33 ).

How does Christ’s garden grow?

Anyone who’s found more abundant life through Christ naturally wants others to experience that blessing. So the question repeatedly arises, what’s the best way to grow the knowledge of God’s love and healing power?  In what’s sometimes called “the parable of the soils,” Jesus describes the poor results of scattering seed in soil that can’t sustain it.

“Numbers don’t lie”— we use them to quantify and evaluate pretty much everything in order to get a tangible understanding of what’s going on around us: where we live, how we live, how healthy we are, how safe the world is, how well we’re doing, or how well this Church is doing. “Numbers don’t lie”—it’s often the numbers that give us the objective proof we’re looking for compared to what people claim only anecdotally.


Giving testimonies in a Christian Science church may seem challenging. For example, I remember hearing how some people told a fellow church member that his testimonies were unduly personal.

Evil—guaranteed to come to an end

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by a train crossing in front of you? You sit and wait as car after endless car goes by, but no matter how frustrating it may be to wait it out, there’s one thing you know about that train. It will come to an end.

Mission: possible

Christ Jesus knew what he was on earth to do. It was to save the world from the slavery of sin, disease, and death by being an example of life lived in total agreement with God.

Safe from mental invasions

Combing my hair had never been a big deal. But over time it became increasingly difficult to raise my arm enough to use a comb.