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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The alternative to death

The only alternative most people see is an effort to stretch out this material life a little longer. A giant amount of society’s resources and energy goes into this effort.

A little about Jesus’ love

Many people today think of Jesus as the best man that ever walked the earth. That’s easy to understand.

What would you call someone who travels in expedition gear to a remote part of our planet? Or someone who conducts a research project with as yet unknown results? And who brings news back about the findings? Maybe an explorer, or a discoverer. Lewis and Clark exploring the American West are rightfully called discoverers.

Who wants to be mortal?

Think about it. No matter how much happiness human life may include, who wants the downsides of being mortal? Danger, disease, broken relationships, decline, death—no thanks.

Steady-state workers

It was both a vivid lesson in spiritual calm and a harbinger of workplace issues for senior workers. In an opening question to someone who had worked under considerable stress in a senior administrative position, I had asked, “What was it like to work in such intense times?”  After a pause he said, “I don’t live intensely.


When I was a kid we lived on a farm and it was my job to take care of the animals. There was one little rooster who was sure he was a terrorist (but he really was a chicken!) He would ruffle up his feathers so that he thought he was the size of a giant, put his head down, raise his wings just a little, and then charge me.

To meet Mary Baker Eddy

A friend of ours many years ago— “Mr. Schmidt”—was the only person I ever knew who’d actually met Mary Baker Eddy face to face.

Stay in Spirit

There is a place, a place of bliss and peace, and it is called “heaven. ” It’s here and now.

A wee reminder

Sometimes it’s helpful to be reminded of things we already know very well. That’s the purpose of this little editorial.

Are you getting the most out of church?

Ring! Ring! “Hello?” “Hello! I’m conducting a research project on how alive and relevant church is today. May I ask if you’d have time for a three-minute survey?” “Ehm.