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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Mortals often believe that seeing and hearing are their personal possessions, indwelling in material organs called eyes and ears. They believe too that these important personal possessions are subject to impairment, or even destruction, by forces over which they have little or no control.


If there is to be a new world, built on sane and stable foundations, then everywhere men and women must be found no longer willing to submit unresistingly, unintelligently, to the ruling of their thoughts and lives by others. The adventurous curiosity and thirst of youth for independence may provide many pitfalls, but it can be advantageously directed.


How easy it is to abandon an enterprise unfinished! Undauntable resolution, and every man has it as a divine gift, is requisite to carry an important project, or any project at all, to conclusion. How often is one enticed through ennui, unrest, discouragement, downright laziness, or the attractiveness of some other venture, to hesitate in his course or leave off the work in which he is engaged; whereas steadfastness of purpose ensures the glorious satisfaction of staying with the task to the finish and bringing into visibility some measure of godliness.


The rights of man are inherent in sonship, and can neither be delegated nor withheld. Men may ignore, repudiate, or disown them; they may believe that they must be suffered and fought for as something retributory and sacrificial, or longed for as something remote and undefinable; but the fact remains that the divine rights of sonship belong inalienably to man.


On the stage of human events, how often appear characters filling the roles of villains and victims! The fraud deceiving the credulous, the thief taking from the unwary, the falsely ambitious conniving to displace another, the dominating husband and enduring wife, the immoral plotting the fall of the innocent, the malicious attempting to undermine and destroy his fellow man, the unscrupulous ruler grinding down conquered peoples. It is a sad array, mortal mind, alias mortals, with motives base and blind, preying on other mortal minds, all illustrations of Mrs.


It was a memorable day when Mary Baker Eddy discovered that there is only one Mind, the divine Mind, or God. Obviously this Mind cannot conceive evil and disease or experience them.


The Department of Agriculture has published a thick book entitled "'Climate and Man" in which interesting data are recorded concerning the effect of climate on plants and persons. In it climate is called "a world influence.


To know what is God's purpose and to abide by it has been the prayer of humanity wherever trust in Him and belief in His care for His creation have been nurtured. And proof, in big things as in little, of these words of Isaiah has been experienced: "The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.


Abraham , according to the delightfully instructive pastoral in the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of Genesis, talks with God at the door of his tent under the Mamre oaks. God promises him a son.


Earnest and eloquent were the many exhortations of Paul to the Romans, but none more earnest and heart-searching than this: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. " Metaphysician and student of humanity that he was, Paul knew how easy it was to present to God and to the world that which has in it no element of sacrifice, that which is neither holy nor, according to the standards laid down by the Master, acceptable.